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Sunday 4 August 2013

RPP Bahasa Inggris SMK Berkarakter (EEK)


Satuan Pendidikan     :    SMK . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mata Pelajaran            :    Bahasa Inggris
Kelas                           :    X
Topik                          :    How’s Life
Alokasi Waktu            :    9 Jam @ 45 Menit (4  pertemuan)

Standar Kompetensi
       1.       Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
Kompetensi Dasar
       1.1.  Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan
       1.  Menentukan ucapan salam (greetings) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah secara tepat
       2.  Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain diperagakan dengan tepat
       3.  Menentukan ungkapan terima kasih dan respon secara tepat
       4.  Menentukan ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya secara tepat

A.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.      Listening
Siswa mampu menyimak pembicaraan tentang salam pertemuan dan salam perpisahan, perkenalan, ucapan terimakasih dan atau permintaan maaf.
2.      Speaking
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan dan merespon dengan baik tentang salam pertemuan dan salam perpisahan perkenalan, ucapan terimakasih dan atau permintaan maaf.
3.      Reading
Siswa mampu membaca paragraf, surat yang berisi tentang salam pertemuan dan salam perpisahan perkenalan, ucapan terimakasih dan atau permintaan maaf; menterjemahkannya; menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan isi bacaan tersebut
4.      Writing
Siswa mampu menyusun dan atau melengkapi dialog yang berisi tentang salam pertemuan dan salam perpisahan, perkenalan, ucapan terimakasih dan atau permintaan maaf.
Karakter siswa yang dikembangkan
Komunikatif, Toleransi, Aktif, Cermat, Berpikir kritis, Teliti

B.   Materi Pembelajaran
§  Expressions used in greetings and leave takings
-       Good morning.
-       How are you?
-       I’m fine, thanks.
-       How’s life.
-       How are things, etc
§  Responses for greetings
-       Hello.
-       Hello, good morning.
-       Good afternoon.
-       Good evening.
-       Fine.
-       Just fine.
Contoh percakapan tentang greetings and leave takings
Mr. Iskandar     : Good morning, Baskara. How are
Baskara             : I’m fine, thank you. How about you Mr. Iskandar?
Mr. Iskandar     : I’m fine too.  How is your family?
Baskara             : They are fine too, thank you.
Mr. Iskandar     : I’m sorry, but I really have to go now. It’s been nice talking to you
Baskara          : See you next.
Mr. Iskandar   : See you next.

§  Expressions used in introducing
-       May I introduce myself. I am Budi.
-       Ani, this is Ida.
-       Nice to meet you.
-       How do you do.
§  Responses for introducing
-       Nice to meet you too.
-       I am glad to meet you.
-       It’s my pleasure.
-       How do you do
Contoh percakapan tentang introduction
Dian              : Zaly, this is my new colleague, Grace. She is the one I recommend to work in your office.
Zaldy            : I’m glad to meet you, Grace.
Grace            : Glad to meet you, too.
Dian              : She’s good in English, Spanish, and Japanese.
Zaldy            : That’s great/ I have some clients from countries with those languages.
Dian              : Then I guess she is the perfect person you’ve been looking for.

§  Grammar review
-       Personal pronoun (Subject & possessive)
v  I – my
v  You – your
-       Simple Present Tense: to be & verb 1
Teks tentang Simple Present Tense dan Pronound and Posessive Adjectives
       My friends and I love to hang out together. We usually get together on the weekends, and go to some places to have some fun. Usually, we go to a mall or cinema to watch a movie. However, if there are no interesting places we can go to, we will make our own games and play them by ourselves joyously.
       The games we create are teamwork ones. We divide ourselves into two teams to play the games. We make all the rules, instructions, and punishments. Then, we eill play our newly-created games and become closer through them. By making and playing our games together, we learn to cooperate, work in teams, and be responsible. We also have so much fun doing it. I think this in one of the reasons why our friendship is unbreakable.

§  Thanking
-       Thank you very much.
-       It was a very kind of you.
-       I appreciate your help.
-       Never mind. Thanks.
-       Thank you for helping.
§  Responses for thanking
-       You’re welcome.
-       Not at all.
-       Don’t mention it.
-       (it’s) my pleasure.
Contoh percapakan tentang thanking
Ravi              : I’m looking for a pair of black cotton trousers.
Shopkeeper   : Here’s one, Sir.
Ravi              : do you mind if I try this on me?
Shopkeeper   : Not, not at all.
Ravi              : Thank you. It’s quite all right for me. I’ll take this.

C.  Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran
1.      Pendekatan                 : Kontekstual
2.      Metode                        : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

D.   Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
       Pertemuan pertama
·           Greetings and leave takings
-     Good morning.
-     How are you?
-     I’m fine, thanks.
-     See you later.
1.  Kegiatan Awal (Pendahuluan)
§   Guru membacakan contoh dialog dan mengajukan pertanyaan:
Bobby   : “Halo, Janet how are you to day?”
Janet      : “Just fine, how about you?”
Bobby   : “I’m fine too, thanks. By the way do you bring my physic book?
Janet      : “Ups, I’m sorry, I forgot to bring it.”
Bobby   : “It’s all right, but don’t forget to bring it tomorrow, okay?”
Janet      : “Okay, don’t worry. I will bring it tomorrow. See you Bob.”
Bobby   : “Bye, Janet.”
Ø  What is the dialog about?
Ø  What kind of expressions do these people use?
§   Guru menginformasikan tujuan yang akan dicapai.

2.  Kegiatan Inti
§  Siswa membaca dengan lantang contoh dialog.
§  Siswa mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan greetings and leave takings yang ada dalam dialog tersebut.
§   Siswa melengkapi dialog yang rumpang dari kaset/teks yang dibacakan oleh guru.
§   Siswa mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah didengar dari dialog.
§   Siswa menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan dialog yang telah diperdengarkan.
§   Siswa menyocokkan gambar dengan penjelasan yang dibacakan oleh guru.
§   Siswa membuat dialog sesuai dengan situasi yang telah diberikan.
§   Siswa mempratekkan dialog yang telah dibuat.
§   Siswa membahas bersama pekerjaan yang telah mereka kerjakan dengan dipandu guru.
§   Siswa memberikan respon atas dialog yang telah dibuat oleh temannya dengan dipandu oleh guru.

3.  Kegiatan penutup
§   Guru menyimpulkan materi dan memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa secara acak.
§   Guru meminta siswa untuk mempelajari materi yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan selanjutnya.
§   Guru memberitahukan siswa untuk belajar dengan tekun.
Karakter yang dikembangkan :

Teliti, Cermat, Percaya diri, Komunikatif,  

E.  Alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1.  Alat dan Bahan
     Kaset atau audio listening.
     Laptop serta speaker.

2.  Sumber Pembelajaran
a.  Buku 1 Get Along with English for Vocational School Novice level Entin Sutinah penerbit Erlangga halaman 2 – 19.
b.  Buku-buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang relevan.
c.  LKS.
d. Internet.

F.    Penilaian
1.  Written test (completing dialog and answering questions)
2.  Oral test (Performance test)
3.  Evaluation

Contoh soal:
A.   You are going to hear two short dialogs. Listen and complete the missing words.
1.    Andy     :  Hello, Linda. . . . you getting on?
       Linda     :  Fine, thanks. How are you?
       Andy     :  . . . .

2.    Satria     :  Hello, Angel.
       Angel    :  . . . , Satria.
       Satria     :  I think I’d better be going, or . . . late for school. Goodbye.
       Angel    :  . . . , Satria.

B.   Make short dialogs based on the following situations.
1.    You woke up late this morning. Now, you are having breakfast with your family, but can’t finish it because you are in a hurry. Give an esxcuse to your family.
2.    You meet your old friend on your way to school. You greet him/her cheerfully, but you can not talk too long because you are in a hurry. Give an excuse to your friend.
3.    You arrive at your manager’s party. You meet some friends that you know well. You are enjoying the party but unfortunately you have to leave early. Give an excuse to your manager.

C.   Complete the following sentences with the correct personal pronoun, possessive adjective, or possessive pronoun.
1.    The girl is beautiful. I bought . . .  some flowers.
2.    Hari borrowed one of my dictionaries. He lost . . . .
3.    Mr. Tono put . . . shoes under the table.
4.    My mother always makes a lot of delicious food. . . . loves cooking so much.
5.    Ari         :  Can I use your car?
       Bobby   :  Oh, I’m sorry. Rendi is using . . . car.

D.   Complete the following dialog with the correct expressions.
Rita     : Yana, let me introduce you to a friend of mine, Dessy.
Yana    : (1)                           .       
Dessy  : How do you do? You’ve got a nice house.
Yana    : (2)                           .       
Rita     : By the way, Dessy is good at cooking just like you.
Yana    : Really? (3)                           .  You should try it.
Dessy  : Sure. I can’t wait.
E.    Free Practice
Work in pairs. Create a dialog which contains expressions of greeting, introducing, thanking, and saying goodbye. Then practice it in front of the class.
___________, ______________20___
Kepala SMK ........                                                           Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

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NIP.                                                                                        NIP. 

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